These distinctive-looking All-Clad Kitchen Towels from Costco are such a good, thick quality towel. They’re 100% cotton, very absorbent and are machine washable. These striped towels come in black and white, blue and white, or beige and white (depending on what’s available at your local Costco). Each 8-pack includes several varieties and styles of towels for your kitchen.
Costco’s Price and Sale Dates:
Select Costco locations have the All Clad Kitchen Towels 8-Piece on sale for $13.99, now through April 11, 2021. That is $3 off Costco’s regular price of $16.99. Costco Item #1432046. While supplies last, of course.
I spotted this item at the Tukwila, Washington Costco but it may be not available or may not be on sale at all Costco locations. Prices may vary by location. When in doubt, call your local Costco before you go.

Kitchen Towel Dimensions:
17 in. x 28 in. | 43 cm x 71 cm
I love shopping at Costco but they do have their limitations. So, this product might not be available at your local Costco or it may not be on sale at your local Costco or it may be a different price at your local Costco or there may be purchasing limits. Plus, prices and sales dates may change at any time without notice. I try my best to take a decent photo of the product but images may not be a perfect representation of the product, especially the color and the shading. The description of the product is from product packaging, Costco’s website, or the manufacturer’s website.
I do not sell this product. This is just a posting of a deal from Costco and is not an endorsement or recommendation of any product or of Costco. Please do your own research before making any purchase.
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